Those born since 1995 spend just months in their first jobs, so companies will need to adjust if they want to stem the exodus of talent.95后们通常第一份工作只会做几个月,所以要是公司想要留住他们,不让他们出走,那就得做出调整。
As many as 76.6 percent of survey respondents were actively seeking new jobs this spring, the Hangzhou Daily reported, citing a private recruitment firm’s survey. The top reason for switching jobs was dissatisfaction with salaries, followed by unclear prospects and limited scope for promotions.《杭州日报》援引一家私人招聘公司的调查称,今年春季(指2019年),多达76.6%的受访者在积极地寻找新工作。跳槽的首要原因是对薪水不满意,其次是职业发展前景不明,升职空间有限。
“Give yourself a promise: ‘I will stay there for three years.’ Then you start to move.” “Your first job is your most important.”“承诺自己:‘我要在这个岗位上呆三年’,然后你再走。你的第一份工作是最重要的。”
More than 65 percent believed the choice was a result of low pay and benefits, the survey showed, adding other contributing factors include a lack of interest in the specific post, bleak prospects for promotion and high work pressure.调查显示,超过65%的受访者认为,选择离职是由于薪酬和福利较低,其他因素也包括对具体职位缺乏兴趣、升职前景黯淡和工作压力大。
年轻人跳槽也的确不是什么近两年的新鲜事,早在7年前,2013年3月《华尔街日报》就以“China’s Youth Tell Employers: I Quit”为题报道过这一现象。
For increasing numbers of young Chinese professionals, the first day back at work after the Lunar New Year holiday is the day they quit.对于越来越多的中国年轻职场人来说,春节假期后重返工作岗位的第一天就是他们辞职的那一天。
Job seekers share employment information at a job fair in Dongying, Shandong province, on July 15. [Zhou Guangxue/For China Daily]
►Millennials don't want to job hop —they want to be engaged.千禧一代不想跳槽——他们也想专一。
►They are less satisfied withmediocrejobs than their elders are.比起老一辈,他们更受不了平庸的工作。
mediocre [ˌmiːdiˈoʊkər]:adj. 普通的;平凡的;中等的
Millennials don't want to be treated like everyone else. Their elders may be satisfied (though satisfaction is a poor workplace metric) with a mediocre job, but millennials are not. They'll keep looking until they get what they need, which includes: Opportunities to learn and grow, a sense of purpose, and high-quality management. Leaders who consider these three job expectations inspire their loyalty.不想像其他人一样,千禧一代喜欢区别一点的对待。他们的长辈可能会对平庸的工作感到满足(尽管满意程度是一个不太好的职业衡量标准),但千禧一代则不然。他们会一直寻找,直到得到他们需要的东西,比方说:学习和成长的机会、目标感和高质量的公司管理。能够考虑到这三个工作期望的领导者们就能激发年轻人的忠诚。
Not coincidentally, what millennials want is the same thing everybody wants in a job. Millennials just want it more and are less likely to wait around to get it.千禧一代想要的东西跟其他人别无二致,这并非巧合。他们只是要得更多一些,而且不太可能傻等天上掉下来好工作。
[Photo by Liu Ranyang/China News Service]
Beyond an attractive remuneration, non-monetary benefit is also part of the retention/attraction device that could not be discounted.除了有吸引力的报酬外,非金钱的福利也是吸引员工的手段的一部分,不能忽视。
Candidates associate longevity in a position with growth opportunities; a clear pathway to career progression; provision of training; corporate culture that stresses integrity and open communication, autonomy to execute their work and job satisfaction deriving from trust and recognition.应聘者将待在某家公司的时长与下面这些特征联系在一起,包括:成长机会、明确的职业发展道路、提供培训、强调诚信和开放沟通的企业文化、开展工作的自主性以及源自信任和认可的工作满意度。
From the perspective of an unsatisfied employee, they think they are underpaid and even cheated by their employer, so they take revenge by leaving the company. From an employer's perspective, after one year of coaching and trust, they lose a professional.从一个不满意的员工的角度来看,他会认为公司没给够待遇,甚至就是被公司画了大饼,所以他可能会用离职来回敬公司。从雇主的角度来看,给了员工一年的辅导和信任,结果却失去了一名专业人才。
fiscal /ˈfɪskl/ adj 财政的
bonus /ˈboʊnəs/ n 津贴;奖金;红利
bleak /bliːk/ adj 无望的;暗淡的;不乐观的
remuneration /rɪˌmjuːnəˈreɪʃn/ n 酬金;薪水;报酬
编辑:唐晓敏来源:路透社 环球时报 中国青年报 Gallup jobsdb.com The Wall Street Journal CNBC
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